Floyd Bennett Field Observing Report—October
Floyd Bennett Field Observing Report—October
By Thomas Evangelist
It was Friday night, October 27, 2017 and a group of astronomers gathered at the Floyd Bennett Field observing site. Eleven telescopes were present, all ready to observe the crystal-clear sky! This begs the question, “Why weren’t you there?”
The evening featured our fearless leader, Artie, who brought his SCT (Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope). Along with him, AAA member Steve and his light gathering monster Dobsonian that boasted a 17.5-inch mirror. We were also accompanied by our friends from the Great Kills, Staten Island site, Joe, Andy, and Rick – all showing off their large aperture Schmidt-Cassegrains and refractors. Finally, we had the pleasure of having one of our friends from the Long Island AOS, Bart, and his refractor. With this much light-gathering power available, M2, Saturn, Uranus, the Pleiades, the first quarter Moon, the Andromeda Galaxy, M32, M110, the Dumbbell Nebula, the Ring Nebula, and other night sky objects were all treats.
Speaking of treats, had you been there you would have been able to grab some Halloween candy with Thomas and Joe and their Astronomy students from Brooklyn Technical High School. Thomas stuffed his SUV with a 14-inch Dobsonian, an 8-inch SCT, and a 6-inch refractor. Their tour of the sky included the story on how it was no “Bull” that Taurus was protecting the Pleiades from Orion (well, that is what one of the many stories suggest).
Come join us at Floyd Bennett Field when observing begins again in March. Be sure to dress warmly and bring your love for astronomy.