Events on the Horizon – February

Source image from Unsplash by Pascal Debrunner; annotated by Peter Tagatac

Upcoming AAA events in February 2020

The AAA Google Calendar or subscribe on this page by clicking the “+Google Calendar” button (like the following image) in lower right corner of page.


Week 1/calendar week 5

01 February/Saturday

Week 2/cw 6

02 February/Sunday
03 February/Monday
04 February/Tuesday

05 February/Wednesday
Class, Winter 2020 Class – Astronomy Smorgasbord: Preparing for a Worthwhile and Comfortable Observing Session, Arthur Kunhardt. Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
06 February/Thursday
Class, Urban Astrophotography, 2020: Planetary Image Processing, Mauri Rosenthal and Alfredo Viegas. Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM

07 February/Friday
08 February/Saturday

Week 3/cw 7

09 February/Sunday
10 February/Monday

12 February/Wednesday
Class, Winter 2020 Class – Astronomy Smorgasbord: The Siberia Beyond Neptune, Keith Murdock. Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
13 February/Thursday
Class, Urban Astrophotography, 2020: Urban Deep Sky Overview/Electronic Assisted Astronomy, Mauri Rosenthal and Alfredo Viegas. Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
14 February/Friday
Lecture, Pulsar Companions: Living With A Neutron Star. Joshua Tan, LaGuardia Community College, American Museum of Natural History, Manhattan; begins at 6:15PM

15 February/Saturday

Week 4/cw 8

16 February/Sunday
17 February/Monday
18 February/Tuesday

19 February/Wednesday
Class, Winter 2020 Class – Clocks, Calendars, Coordinates, Orbits: Defining Time, David Kiefer. Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM

20 February/Thursday
21 February/Friday
22 February/Saturday

Week 5/cw 9

23 February/Sunday
24 February/Monday
25 February/Tuesday

26 February/Wednesday
Class, Winter 2020 Class – Clocks, Calendars, Coordinates, Orbits: Calendars, David Kiefer. Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
27 February/Thursday
Class, Urban Astrophotography, 2020: Deep Sky Image Processing, Mauri Rosenthal and Alfredo Viegas. Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM

28 February/Friday
29 February/Saturday