Events on the Horizon – April

Upcoming AAA events in April 2020
AAA is following official recommendations regarding COVID-19, and coordinating with any partner institutions regarding events cancellations. As of March 21, all observing events are cancelled until April 20. For the status of any event, check the AAA calendar or Upcoming Events on the AAA website home page.
The AAA Google Calendar or subscribe on this page by clicking the “+Google Calendar” button (like the following image) in lower right corner of page.
Week 1 (calendar week 14)
01 April//Wednesday
02 April/Thursday
Canceled – Observing, Fort Greene, Brooklyn; begins at 5:30PM
03 April/Friday
Canceled – Observing, link to registration: Observing at Intrepid Astronomy Night, Manhattan; 7pm – 10pm
Canceled – Observing, Carl Schurz Park, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM
04 April/Saturday
Canceled – Observing, Brooklyn Museum Plaza, Brooklyn; begins at 8:30PM
Virtual Event, for more information about Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF).
Week 2 (cw 15)
05 April/Sunday
Virtual Event, for more information about Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF).
06 April/Monday
07 April/Tuesday
08 April//Wednesday
Canceled – Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 7:30PM
09 April//Thursday
10 April/Friday
Canceled – Observing, Lincoln Center, Manhattan; begins at 7:30PM
Canceled – Observing, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn; begins at 8:00PM
11 April/Saturday
Week 3 (cw 16)
12 April/Sunday
13 April/Monday
14 April/Tuesday
15 April//Wednesday
Canceled – Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 7:30PM
16 April//Thursday
17 April/Friday
Verify, AAA Google Calendar – Lecture, The Enduring Enigma of Black Holes. Priyamvada Natarayan, Yale University, American Museum of Natural History, Manhattan; begins at 6:15PM
Canceled – Observing, Lincoln Center, Manhattan; begins at 7:30PM
18 April/Saturday
Week 4 (cw 17)
19 April/Sunday
20 April/Monday
21 April/Tuesday
22 April//Wednesday
Canceled – Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 7:30PM
23 April//Thursday
24 April/Friday
Verify, AAA Google Calendar – Observing, Pioneer Works, Brooklyn; begins at 7:00PM
Verify, AAA Google Calendar – Observing, Lincoln Center, Manhattan; begins at 7:45PM
25 April/Saturday
Verify, AAA Google Calendar – Observing, Great Kills, Staten Island; begins at 7:30PM
Week 5 (cw 18)
26 April/Sunday
27 April/Monday
28 April/Tuesday
29 April//Wednesday
Canceled – Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 8:00PM
30 April//Thursday