AAA President Message – July 2020

A New Month and New Challenges

As July is about to roll around, we are seeing an increase in virus cases across the country. Uncertainty seems to be the theme of 2020 thus far. Yet, humans march on in the face of adversity. Our species has been through so much in our short time on this planet, but it is our ingenuity that rescues us time and time again.

While AAA represents a small microcosm of humanity, we too are using our ingenuity during this time to serve our members and the New York public at large. For example, classes have moved online. Lectures in the fall will do the same, along with being live, as regulations allow.

The Board is working hard to make sure that in these times AAA does not miss a beat. The Observing committee Chaired by Tom is devising a plan to get members’ telescopes out into the public. Our Membership and Marketing committees, headed by John and Naomi, are pushing full-steam ahead to ensure that our members know the value of belonging to AAA. Perry is helping to coordinate our classes, along with Irene, Dave, and Alfredo. Amy and Mike are ensuring that our finances are sound. Peter and Bhaswan are keeping our technology up to date. Faissal and Mary are working with Jeff to ensure that Eyepiece is brimming with great content. And Bart helps to coordinate all of the committees while also spearheading other projects to help grow AAA.

And each committee welcomes input from all members – our Association aims to be as inclusive as possible. Therefore not only do we want our membership to reflect the diversity of New York, but we also strive to have our members involved in all that we do.

We strongly believe that diversity equals strength. And a stronger AAA will be able to continue to provide a platform to unite and educate the people of New York.

We hope that everyone reading this joins us in this endeavor.