Events on the Horizon – September
Upcoming AAA events in September 2020
AAA continues to follow official recommendations regarding COVID-19, and coordinates with any partner institutions regarding event cancellations.
For the status of any event, check the AAA calendar or Upcoming Events on the AAA website home page.
The AAA Google Calendar or subscribe on this page by clicking the “+Google Calendar” button (like the following image) in lower right corner of page.
Week 1 (calendar week 36)
01 September/Tuesday
02 September/Wednesday
Class, Multi-Wavelength Astronomy and Telescopes, Essentials of E/M Waves, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM
03 September/Thursday
Presentation (Livestream), Virtual Tour of the Night Sky and Beyond. Astrovis Weekly on AAA YouTube Channel, Livestream on AAA Facebook; begins at 8:00PM
04 September/Friday
05 September/Saturday
Week 2 (calendar week 37)
06 September/Sunday
Astrophotography Meetup – Members Only. Zoom, details found in the AAA Astrophotography Google Group; begins at 4:00PM
07 September/Monday
08 September/Tuesday
Class, AAA Astronomy 101, Our Place in Space, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM
09 September/Wednesday
Class, Multi-Wavelength Astronomy and Telescopes, Multi-wave Images, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM
10 September/Thursday
Presentation (Livestream), Virtual Tour of the Night Sky and Beyond. Astrovis Weekly on AAA YouTube Channel, Livestream on AAA Facebook; begins at 8:00PM
11 September/Friday
12 September/Saturday
Week 3 (calendar week 38)
13 September/Sunday
Astrophotography Meetup – Members Only. Zoom, details found in the AAA Astrophotography Google Group; begins at 4:00PM
14 September/Monday
15 September/Tuesday
Class, AAA Astronomy 101, Geocentric versus Heliocentric, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM
16 September/Wednesday
17 September/Thursday
Presentation (Livestream), Virtual Tour of the Night Sky and Beyond. Astrovis Weekly on AAA YouTube Channel, Livestream on AAA Facebook; begins at 8:00PM
18 September/Friday
19 September/Saturday
Week 4 (calendar week 39)
20 September/Sunday
Astrophotography Meetup – Members Only. Zoom, details found in the AAA Astrophotography Google Group; begins at 4:00PM
21 September/Monday
22 September/Tuesday
Class, AAA Astronomy 101, Seasons & Scales of the Solar System, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM
23 September/Wednesday
Class, Multi-Wavelength Astronomy and Telescopes, Physics of E/M Emission, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM
24 September/Thursday
Class, Urban Astrophotography, AstroPhotography Overview/Planetary Overview/Planetary Capture, Instructor: Mauri Rosenthal and Alfredo Viegas, on-line, begins at 8:00PM
25 September/Friday
26 September/Saturday
Verify – Event, International Observe the Moon Night (external link), Check AAA website for local events
Verify – Observing, North South Lake, Catskills, NY; details available in AAA Dark Sky Group
Week 5 (calendar week 40)
27 September/Sunday
Astrophotography Meetup – Members Only. Zoom, details found in the AAA Astrophotography Google Group; begins at 4:00PM
28 September/Monday
29 September/Tuesday
Class, AAA Astronomy 101, The Sun & the Moon, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM
30 September/Wednesday
Class, Multi-Wavelength Astronomy and Telescopes, Lower Energy Waves, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM