Events on the Horizon – November
Upcoming AAA events in November 2020
AAA continues to follow official recommendations regarding COVID-19, and coordinates with any partner institutions regarding event cancellations.
For the status of any event, check the AAA calendar or Upcoming Events on the AAA website home page.
The AAA Google Calendar or subscribe on this page by clicking the “+Google Calendar” button (like the following image) in lower right corner of page.
Week 1 (calendar week 45)
01 November/Sunday
Astrophotography Meetup – Members Only. Zoom, details found in the AAA Astrophotography Google Group; begins at 4:00PM
02 November/Monday
03 November/Tuesday
04 November/Wednesday
Class, Astronomy Before the Telescope, Babylonia, Greece, Etruria, Rome, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM
05 November/Thursday
Class, Urban Astrophotography, Session 6 – Review/Tips and Tricks/Interactive Equipment Discussion, Instructor: Mauri Rosenthal and Alfredo Viegas, on-line, begins at 8:00PM
06 November/Friday
07 November/Saturday
Week 2 (calendar week 46)
08 November/Sunday
Astrophotography Meetup – Members Only. Zoom, details found in the AAA Astrophotography Google Group; begins at 4:00PM
09 November/Monday
10 November/Tuesday
Lectures (Livestream). “The Universal Timekeeper: Reconstructing History Atom by Atom”, Dr. Ruth Agnus, American Museum of Natural History; begins at 7:00PM. Viewing details to be posted on AAA website.
11 November/Wednesday
Class, Astronomy Before the Telescope, Indian and Islamic Astronomy, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM
12 November/Thursday
13 November/Friday
14 November/Saturday
Verify – Observing, Observing at Great Kills, Staten Island; begins at 7:30PM
Week 3 (calendar week 47)
15 November/Sunday
Astrophotography Meetup – Members Only. Zoom, details found in the AAA Astrophotography Google Group; begins at 4:00PM
16 November/Monday
17 November/Tuesday
18 November/Wednesday
19 November/Thursday
20 November/Friday
21 November/Saturday
Week 4 (calendar week 48)
22 November/Sunday
23 November/Monday
24 November/Tuesday
Verify – Observing, Observing at Fort Greene, Brooklyn; begins at 4:30PM
25 November/Wednesday
26 November/Thursday
27 November/Friday
28 November/Saturday
Week 5 (calendar week 49)
29 November/Sunday
Astrophotography Meetup – Members Only. Zoom, details found in the AAA Astrophotography Google Group; begins at 4:00PM
30 November/Monday