2021-2022 Lecture Series

Hello fellow amateur astronomers!

I am proud to announce that the new lecture season is at hand. On October 12th, the first lecture of the 2021-2022 season will be held. We at AAA are incredibly proud to continue this tradition and as always, David Kraft, the lecture coordinator, does not disappoint with the programming schedule.

To kick things off, Sharan Banagiri of Northwestern University will be speaking about “Astrophysical Lessons from Gravitational-wave Detections”. It is not to be missed.

Please make sure to keep an eye out for the invitation to reserve your online spot.

The full Lecture Series schedule is on our website, under the Events tab.

And please tell your friends about it – fun and informative astronomy lectures that are also completely free, cannot be beat.

See you there!

Brian Berg, President