Message From AAA’s President
I’m not going to beat around the bush, or star-field for that matter. Instead, I am just going to lay it all out here…
How do you feel about a brand new, state-of-the-art website?
Fascinating and fun online lectures (the first one of Fall 2021 season is October 12th)?
The ability for New Yorkers to borrow telescopes from both the NY Public Library system, and AAA itself?
How about podcasts about astronomy (the new season launches this month)?
Perhaps you are enthused about the unbelievable information, and value, that our classes provide?
You’re thrilled to see scopes back out there in parks and other areas for the public to gaze through?
Maybe it is the relaunching of Eyepiece, the monthly newsletter where you are reading this, that you most enjoy?
It could be that AAA membership now includes Astronomical League membership that really has you over the moon?
Is it the top notch astrophotography classes and meet-ups that get you up in the morning?
Or… Maybe it is the ability for an almost 100 year old non-profit science-based organization to thrive and offer more than ever before, which has you most excited?
What’s truly amazing about the above, is that it does not even cover all that we provide!
Check out to see everything that the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York has to offer. I promise that you won’t be disappointed.
Brian Berg, President