Events on the Horizon – January 2022

If you see a “Members Only” event in the list below that you want to attend but can’t, become a member ASAP so you can take advantage of these useful opportunities to meet amazing people, gain new skills, and learn about the Universe!
AAASky Podcast, Classes, Lectures
AAASky Podcast: Season 2, Episode 3
In this episode, telescope historian Bart Fried recounts how New York City became the nation’s center for telescope-making in the early 19th century, and he discusses with Stan Fertig some impressive early observatories located in the city. An episode chock full of anecdotes! Maggie and Stan discuss Cassegrain telescopes and 19th century light pollution, as well as their first telescope experiences.
Find us at or through your podcast provider.
Class: Urban Astrophotography 102: Deep Sky Imaging – $60.00
Jan. 6; 20; 27 2022; 7:00 PM
Class: Astronomy Smorgasbord – $60.00
Jan. 12; 19; 26 2022; 7:00 PM
Lecture: Astronomy Picture of the Day – Free via Zoom
Jan. 11, 2022; 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM