Message from AAA’s President
Happy New Year to one and all!
On behalf of the Amateur Astronomers Association, I hope that you all had a wonderful New Years Eve, and have a healthy and prosperous 2023.
As far as AAA is concerned, we are hitting the ground running.
Our new season of AAA Sky, AAA’s podcast, will be premiering this month, with Stan and Kat at the helm.
Our site chairs are deep in planning the upcoming observing season, with events beginning again this month.
Dave and Dave are deep in administering the Lecture Series and Class offerings; the next Lecture, by the way, is January 10th and you do not want to miss it since it’s the annual NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day presentation!
Stan continues to lead the Astrophotography group.
As Covid reached a denouement, we have returned to School Outreach and have been meeting with numerous students throughout the city.
The opportunity to have a published article is always available right here in the pages of Eyepiece. Just reach out to Kat and she will be happy to help you get published.
And Bart is working to bring New York City’s first public observatory to completion. You can donate to the cause HERE.
The final mention I want to make is that AAA is almost 100 years old and has existed this entire time as an all-volunteer organization. Myself, all of those named in this article, and countless others, have and are volunteering their time to spread astronomy, science, and curiosity, throughout New York City. We all believe in this cause, and all of you reading this obviously do, too. With that said, if you have time to spare and want to be a part of a wonderful organization, volunteers are always needed. Don’t be shy – reach out to us!
Have a wonderful 2023.
Brian Berg, President