Message from AAA’s President
Happy February!
We are already halfway through winter, even though here in New York City it feels as if winter has not even started; there have been three straight days at the end of January above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and not a snow flurry in sight.
But as concerning as climate change is, AAA marches on, while also bringing awareness of the ills of our planet. As a matter of fact, one of the many positive attributes that I find comes along with studying astronomy, is that every time I look up, I am reminded of this home we all stand upon each day. That, in turn, reminds me that I am part of this expansive universe that makes me want to always be a good shepherd towards all the other entities that we share this ‘space’ with.
That may seem a bit off topic, but when I am reminded of the damage done to Earth, I tend to think of what others out there might think of us.
I digress… AAA marches on. Planning for 2023’s observing schedule is already under way. Classes are in full swing. The astrophotography group continues to meet almost weekly and astound us with their images. The new season of the podcast will launch shortly. Our lecture series still has another four phenomenal upcoming talks for this season. And Eyepiece, where you are reading this, is, as always, a wonderful opportunity for folks to get their writings published.
So come be a part of AAA. We are always looking for volunteers to lend a hand with various parts of the organization. Or perhaps you want to ‘only’ partake in activities that we offer.
Either way, being an active participant of AAA is fulfilling in so many ways. And perhaps you may even provide some hope in a far-away observer.
Brian Berg, President