Eyepiece, the Amateur Astronomers Association monthly newsletter, covers lectures and other astronomy events in New York City; offers commentary, tips on observing and equipment and summarizes astronomy discoveries and other general news in astronomy and astrophysics. Each month, our “What’s Up in the Sky” column discusses what can be seen in the skies during the upcoming month. Members do all the writing for Eyepiece, and new contributors are always welcome. Submit today!
Author: Dennis Kendrick
Dennis Kendrick
October 1, 2023
Dennis Kendrick
September 1, 2023
Dennis Kendrick
August 1, 2023

Astro-Cartoons by Dennis Kendrick
A new set of cartoons from our very own AAA member and professional illustrator, Dennis Kendrick
Dennis Kendrick
July 1, 2023

Astro-Cartoons by Dennis Kendrick
A new set of cartoons from our very own AAA member and professional illustrator, Dennis Kendrick
Dennis Kendrick
June 1, 2023