Tariffs and Astronomy Equipment
At the June 6, 2019 AAA Astrophotography Meet Up meet up, Alfredo Viegas summarized the effect tariffs on Chinese goods will have on astronomy and photography equipment.
At the June 6, 2019 AAA Astrophotography Meet Up meet up, Alfredo Viegas summarized the effect tariffs on Chinese goods will have on astronomy and photography equipment.
Details behind catching an ISS pass over UACNJ.
A new class was introduced to the AAA line up this spring—Astrophotography through telescopes. See images of the class in the field and more info on the class.
In a conjunction of artistic abilities, two AAA members of the Astrophotography group have images in the July 2019 issue of Astronomy Magazine. Gowrishankar L. and Chirag (The Doctor) Upreti grace pages 94 and 96.
Get a summary of our 2019 annual meeting and see photos of members.
AAA Astrophotography members have been busy the last few months. See some highlights of their work and travels here!
AAA is a member club of the UACNJ (United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey) and that all AAA members are welcome to their observing site when public programs are held. Find out more here!
Astrophotographers tried to make the best of the mostly dreadful weather in December. See what they managed to shoot!
December, 2018, Will Field and John Bills tried a different approach to shooting objects in the sky. Both used variations of zooming into or out of an image to show details in objects and also relative distances from each other or to get a sense of where things are in the sky. Then they combined those images into animation videos. See how they did it!
Eyepiece, the Amateur Astronomers Association monthly newsletter, covers lectures and other astronomy events in New York City; offers commentary, tips on observing and equipment and summarizes astronomy discoveries and other general news in astronomy and astrophysics. Each month, our “What’s Up in the Sky” column discusses what can be seen in the skies during the upcoming month. Members do all the writing for Eyepiece, and new contributors are always welcome. Submit today!
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