Category: What’s Up in the Sky?

What’s Up in the October Sky

October’s Evening Planets: Bright Venus will be moving between Libra the Scales and Sagittarius the Archer for about 2 hours after sunset. Jupiter and Saturn will

What’s Up in the August Sky?

August’s Evening Planets:  Find bright Jupiter in Aquarius the Water-bearer and Saturn in Capricornus the Sea-goat all night. Find bright Venus between Leo the Lion

What’s Up in the July Sky?

July’s Evening Planets: Bright Venus will be up until around 10 PM moving between Cancer the Crab and Leo the Lion.  Red Mars will be

What’s Up in the June Sky?

June’s Evening Planets: Bright Venus will be up until around 10 PM moving between Gemini the Twins and Cancer the Crab. Mercury will be in

What’s Up in the May Sky?

May’s Evening Planets: Bright Venus will be up in Taurus the Bull for about one hour after sunset close to the horizon in May. Find

What’s Up in the April Sky?

April’s Evening Planets: Mercury will be up until around 8 PM in the last week of April, moving between Cetus the Sea Monster and Taurus

What’s Up in the March Sky?

March’s Evening Planets: Mars can be viewed until around midnight between Aries the Ram and Taurus the Bull. Uranus is in Cetus the Sea Monster

What’s Up in the February Sky?

February’s Evening Planets: Spot red Mars all night moving between Aries the Ram and Taurus the Bull. Neptune is in Aquarius the Water Bearer until

What’s Up in the January Sky

January’s Evening Planets: Red Mars will be up all night moving between Pisces the Fish and Aries the Ram in January. Find Mercury moving between