Volunteers Needed for Autumn Starfest
Hi All, The AAA needs volunteers to help us at Autumn Starfest on Sept 7. Be part of an event that lets us show the night sky
Hi All, The AAA needs volunteers to help us at Autumn Starfest on Sept 7. Be part of an event that lets us show the night sky
Saturday, September 7 from 7:00 PM EDT in Sheep Meadow, Central Park Join the Amateur Astronomers Association (AAA) of New York at their annual Autumn Starfest at the Sheep Meadow
AAA’ Hunters Point Park Stargazing gets some coverage on a New York Post You Tube Video here.
AAA gets more coverage on PIX 11! Irene Pease is interviewed for a piece on the Perseids shower. Go Irene! Have a look here.
AAA gets some coverage on AccuWeather! Irene Pease is interviewed via phone. The video shows brief clips of events at Central Park, Woodlawn. Members shown
A Message from our new President Irene Pease!
Several of our AAA members trekked to South America to experience the 2019 Solar Eclipse. These are their stories…
August dates of upcoming AAA events 01/Thursday 02/Friday Observing, Lincoln Center, Manhattan; begins at 8:00PM Observing, Carl Schurz Park, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM Observing, Brooklyn
Eyepiece, the Amateur Astronomers Association monthly newsletter, covers lectures and other astronomy events in New York City; offers commentary, tips on observing and equipment and summarizes astronomy discoveries and other general news in astronomy and astrophysics. Each month, our “What’s Up in the Sky” column discusses what can be seen in the skies during the upcoming month. Members do all the writing for Eyepiece, and new contributors are always welcome. Submit today!
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