Jan. 7 Inaugural State of the Association address. Alfredo Viegas, President.
Jan. Southern Skies (single class, free)- Lydia Petrosino
Jan. Universal Timekeepers: Atoms as Cosmic Clocks.- David Helfand, Columbia U.
Jan. 24-Gateway Remote Telescope Presentation #2. GRT Committee
Jan-Feb. Introduction to Night Sky Photography- Stan Honda
Feb. 8. Refresher on the Amazing Gaia Satellite. [Pre-talk for Feb. 13 monthly lecture given by Dr. Rosio Kiman, Cal Tech, on Gaia DR3.] (single class, free) – David Kiefer
Feb-March. Cosmology 101- Matthias Schmidt
Feb 26- Gateway Remote Telescope Presentation #3.
March-April. Urban Astrophotography: Deep Sky Imaging- Mauri Rosenthal
March-May. Basics of Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos (Astronomy 102) – Irene Pease
May-June. Introduction to Astrochemsitry. Four classes, plus free review on E/M waves
Samantha Scibelli (SHA-BELLI) of NRAO
June-July. Clocks, Calendars, Coordinates, Orbits (2024). Four classes. – David Kiefer
June 20. Summer Solstice Day. Zodiac Constellations. Single, free class. Lydia Petrosino.
July 8- Gateway Remote Telescope Presentation #4. GRT Committee
July 30. So, You’re Thinking of Getting a Telescope? Single class. Dan Kirby.
Sept. 10- Basics of Astronomy and the Solar System. Six classes, free for members. Irene Pease.
Sept. 18- Evolution of the Universe. Current Big Bang understandings from a “Cosmology Bible”.
Three classes. David Kiefer
Sept. 19- Equinox Celebration. Tour of the Fall Night Sky. Single, free class. Lydia Petrosino.
Sept. 23- Gateway Remote Telescope Presentation #5. GRT Committee.
Oct. 30- Two-year Update on the Webb Telescope. Single, donation requested. Walt Windash of the UACNJ.
Oct. 31- Urban Astrophotography: Solar System Imaging. Six classes. Mauri Rosenthal.
Nov. 20- Cosmology 102 (2024). Four classes. Matthias Schmitt.
Nov. 25- Aurora (2024) with Vincent (the aurora guy.com) from Fairbanks. Free webinar of 340 people.
Dec. 2- Astro Q & A (Inaugural). Free. Panel: Bart Fried, Irene Pease, Stan Honda, Matthias Schmitt, Alfredo Viegas, David Kiefer
Dec. 3- Gateway Remote Telescope Presentation #6. GRT Committee. Introducing GRT South (Chile).
Dec. 19- Solstice Celebration. Tour of the Winter Night Sky. Single, free class. Lydia Petrosino.
Jan.-Feb. Astronomy 102 (2023): Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos – Irene Pease
Jan. AstroNews Hour 5 (single class, free)- Robert Marx
Feb. Valentine Special: Romance in the Stars (single class, constellation stories, free)–
Lydia Petrosino
Feb.-March Urban Astrophotography: Deep Sky Imaging – Mauri Rosenthal
March-April Radio and Multiwavelength Astronomy (2023), 7 classes- Jim Braatz (NRAO), David Kiefer
March AstroNews Hour 6 – Special Edition: Coming Eclipses (single class, free) –
David Kiefer, Stan Honda, Kat Trouche
May-June Stellarium Workshop- Matthias Schmitt, Joel Gonzalez
June Physics in Astronomy- Ken Katta
June AstroNews Hour 7 (single class, free)- Robert Marx
July-Aug. Smorgasbord on Eclipses- Eclipse basics, Saros cycle, myths, details of Oct. 14, 2023, annular and April 8, 2024 total. Planning, photographing, and observing safely.
Kat Trouche, David Kiefer, Lydia Petrosino, Alfredo Viegas, Stan Honda
Sept. Fermi’s Paradox (single class, free), Daniel Kirby
Sept. Binary Stars (single class, free)- Bart Fried
Oct.-Sept. Basics of Astronomy and the Solar System, George Roush
Oct. AAVSO and variable star research (three classes)- Leaders of the AAVSO
Oct. AstroNews Hour 8 (single class, free)- Robert Marx
Nov. 28 Introducing the AAA Gateway Remote Telescope program (housed in Texas, operated by members). Demos; presentation of membership tiers. Alfredo Viegas, Stan Honda, Preston Stahly. Free.
GRT Presentation #1.
Nov.–Dec. Urban Astrophotography: Planetary Imaging – Mauri Rosenthal
Dec. AstroNews Hour 9 (single class, free)- Robert Marx
Jan. Winter Smorgasbord- Amateur Spectroscopy (A. Viegas), Astronomical Constellation Calendar (Lydia M. Petrosino), Sky Tour with Stellarium (J. Gonzalez), Enhancing Astrophoto Presentations with Music (P. Stahly, I. Pease), Astronomy on the Grand Central Terminal Ceiling (L. Faltz), Tips for Telescopes and Observing (P. Taganac)
Feb. Astronomy 102: Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos- Alfredo Viegas
Feb. AstroNews1 (single class, free)- Robert Marx
April Clocks, Calendars, Coordinates, Orbits- David Kiefer
May. AstroNews2 (single class, free)- Robert Marx
June Summer Smorgasbord- RSPEC for Spectra (Tom Fields), Summer Skies (Tony Faddoul), History of Telescope (Bart Fried), Zodiac Myths (Lydia M. Petrosino), “One-Zoom”: Evolution’s Tree of Life App (Natila Belfiore), Facts and Falsehoods on Climate Change (David Helfand)
Aug. AstroNews Hour 3 (single class, free)- Robert Marx
Aug. Update on Webb Telescope (single class, free)- Matthias Schmitt
Aug. Gaia Satellite’s Data Release 3 (single class)- David Kiefer
Sept. Astronomy 101: Basics of Astronomy and Solar System- Irene Pease
Oct. AstroNews Hour4 (single class, free)- Robert Marx
Oct. Urban Astrophotography: Planetary Imaging- Mauri Rosenthal
Nov. Planetary Science (seven classes)- David Kiefer & Matthias Schmitt
Jan. Night Sky Photography- Stan Honda
Jan. Smorgasbord- Voyagers(I. Pease), Sundials (D. Kiefer), Stellarium (M. Schmidt), Light (R. Marx), Black Holes (B. Hernandez), Cell Phones in Astrophotography)
Jan. Current Missions- I. Pease
March Physics in Astronomy- D. Kiefer
April Astronomy 102: Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos- A. Viegas
April Cosmology 101- D. Kiefer
June Advanced Night Sky Photography- S. Honda
June Summer Smorgasbord- Night Sky Photography Basics(S. Honda), Stellarium (M. Schmidt), Gravity (R. Marx), Past Missions (I. Pease), Telescope History and Design (B. Fried)
July Cosmology 102- D. Kiefer
Sept. Stellarium Workshop- M. Schmidt
Oct. Urban Astrophotography 101- M. Rosenthal & A. Viegas
Nov. Introduction to Night Sky Photography- S. Honda
Nov. Astronomy 101- D. Kiefer
Dec. Urban Astrophotography 102- M. Rosenthal, P. Bossier
Feb. Clocks, Calendars, Coordinates, Orbits- David Kiefer
Feb. Urban Astrophotography- Mauri Rosenthal, Alfredo Viegas
April Planetary Science- David Kiefer
May Astronomy 101: The Solar System- Matthias Schmidt
June Astrometrics- David Kiefer
May Astronomy 101: The Solar System- Matthias Schmidt
Sept. Multiwavelength Astronomy – David Kiefer
Sept. Night Sky Photography- Stan Honda
Nov. Astronomy Before the Telescope- David Kiefer
Feb. Physics in Astronomy- David Kiefer
March Stargazing Skills- Peter Tagatac
April Night Sky Photography- Stan Honda
April. Cosmology- David Kiefer
June Astronomy 101: The Solar System- Irene Pease
Sept. Recent Breakthroughs in Astronomy- David Kiefer
Oct. Astronomy 102: Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos- Irene Pease
Feb. Clocks, Calendars, Coordinates, Orbits- David Kiefer
March Muti-Wavelength Astronomy and Telescopes- David Kiefer
Sept. Astromomy 101: The Basics- David Kiefer
Oct. Stargazing Skills Workshop- Peter Tagatac
Nov. Measuring Distances in Space- David Kiefer
Nov. Intro to Night Sky Photography- Stan Honda
Prof. Jason Kendall (Board Member), Jaclyn Avidon (Board Member), Dr. Sneer Honappa, Dr. Denton Ebel, Marc Horowitz, Andrew Kessler (NASA Phoenix Mars Mission), Micheal O’Gara (AAA President), Richard Rosenberg (AAA President), Dr. Shana Tribiano (Board Member)