Eyepiece Submissions

All Amateur Astronomers Association (AAA) members enjoy the privilege of submitting articles to Eyepiece. By submitting any type of content: articles, photos, media, videos, you authorize the AAA to publish any or all of the content in printed versions of Eyepiece and any and all content electronically in the digital format and on any related social media sites/channels. Please note that all articles are subject to editing for length and/or clarity, photos may be cropped and videos may be edited for length.

  • Submit by email.
  • Include name and contact information.
  • Provide a brief author description, in 25 words.
  • Include a head-shot, if you want to be shown with Author info.
  • We prefer articles in Microsoft Word format if possible.
  • If specific formatting of images/text is desired please submit a PDF with preferred formatting.
    • Preferred formatting is not guaranteed but we will do our best to match what is submitted.

For content of a large size, like videos or photo galleries, AAA will coordinate with Member to share content in Dropbox or GoogleDrive, etc.

If you have any questions, please contact the [email protected].


The digital version of Eyepiece can support a variety of content. Consider any of the following and look below for greater detail.

  • Articles, e.g. feature articles, news articles, reviews, and reports relating to general astronomy or AAA club activities.
  • Photographs of club activities, astronomy related events such as night landscapes, astrophotography through telescopes.
  • Videos of club activities, astronomy related events such as time-lapse night landscapes, astrophotography through telescopes.
  • Letters to the Editor


  • Email articles to [email protected].
  • Be written in clear and concise English.
  • Feature topics relevant to the AAA audience.
  • Cite sources and/or references, when appropriate.

The Eyepiece accepts a variety of articles such as:

  • Feature Article:  750 ~ 1250 words
  • Article: 300 ~ 500 words
  • Columns: Reports, Reviews, Lectures, Around Town, 200 – 500 words
  • Club: New Members Announcement, 50 – 100 words
  • Member Greeting/testimonial:  250 word articles about yourself or another member’s interest in astronomy or experience with the AAA. Please also send a high-resolution photo, JPEG format-about 1MB, with your submission.


The Eyepiece accepts photographs taken of club activities such as public observing sessions or dark sky observing trips, astronomy related events in the sky such as night sky scenes, astrophotography images through telescopes, eclipses or meteor showers.

  • Email photos to [email protected] or arrange Dropbox for large files.
  • Photos must be in jpg format
  • Photos must be at a resolution of 300dpi and maximum of one to two megabyte (1-2 MB) in compressed file size.
  • Photos must be clear and in focus.
  • Include a caption for each image (in the email) and the name of the source.
  • IMPORTANT: If photo was obtained from someone other than yourself, please provide proof  of permission and contact information of original content producer.


The Eyepiece accepts videos taken of club activities such as public observing sessions or dark sky observing trips, astronomy related events in the sky such as night sky scenes, astro-images through telescopes, eclipses or meteor showers. You may submit video simulations of astronomical events or phenomena.

  • Email videos to [email protected] or arrange Dropbox for large files.
  • Videos should be in .mp4 format, a link to youtube.com is acceptable as well
  • Videos resolution should be at least 1920×1080 (1080p, HD format)
  • Videos should be no longer than 3 minutes in duration
  • Videos in landscape mode are preferred
  • IMPORTANT: If photo was obtained from someone other than yourself, please provide proof  of permission and contact information of original content producer.


  • Email to [email protected].
  • Letters should be appropriate for the AAA audience
  • Avoid political topics or personal attacks


Eyepiece articles feature “Author Box”, which displays a brief bio, your contact info (like your website, social profiles and email address) and lists all your articles published in the Eyepiece WordPress editions.  WordPress does not inventory articles that you may have published in past printed/PDF editions. We have published articles beginning from Nov 2017 on WordPress.

If you’re not interested in providing any detail, at minimum, your name appears as author and when selected will show a page with all your articles listed.

If you want Author Box to display for you, it will need, at minimum, a brief bio. You could skip the social contact info, if you don’t have these or don’t want to provide.

Bio Info

Brief description; 25 words or less.

Social Contact Info

  • Website
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • YouTube