About Eyepiece

Eyepiece, Amateur Astronomers Association’s monthly newsletter, “started out in April 1953 as a bulletin called Oh-Gee Observations” and was later remained to Eyepiece. It follows a tradition where the club has provided a monthly publication to members since the first issue: The Amateur Astronomer, Vol. 1, No. 1, April, 1929.

Eyepiece now continues in modern form, available on the web. It provides readers with a varied diet of astronomy related news in the metropolitan area and beyond. Eyepiece covers lectures and other astronomy events in New York City; offers commentary, tips on observing and equipment and summarizes astronomy discoveries and other general news in astronomy and astrophysics. Each month, our “What’s Up in the Sky” column discusses what can be seen in the skies during the upcoming month. Members do all the writing for Eyepiece, and new contributors are always welcome. (See Submissions).

Each month the editorial staff curates member submissions to provide a current report of club events, activities, and articles and media of interest to the AAA member.

Editorial Staff

  • Editor-in-Chief: George Roush
  • Assignment Editors: Faissal Halim and Thomas Haeberle
  • Eyepiece Logo: Rori Baldari
  • Administrative Support: Parker Bossier
  • Website Design: Cidney Hue

Contact Us

  • Eyepiece Editor-in-Chief: editor {@} aaa.org
  • AAA President: president {@} aaa.org
  • AAA Correspondence Secretary: exec-vp  {@} aaa.org


Copyright Amateur Astronomers Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. AAA is not responsible for unsolicited material.