AAA President Message – January

Dear Members,
Welcome to the New Year. I hope you enjoyed your holidays with friends, family, and free time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new year. I wish that your dreams come true, your ambitions rewarded by your work.
I’d like to recognize some of our members who are part of the increasingly popular Astrophotography segment of the club. Their efforts and recognition make the club proud. Photographs by Gowrishankar Lakshminarayanan, Chirag Upreti, Alexander Krivenyshev, and Stan Honda were selected in’s 100 Best Space Photos of 2017. See this month’s article by Stan Honda for greater detail.
The 2018 AAA Membership Renewal letters have been mailed out. Please choose to renew online or by mail. The renewal letter and our website have instructions for both. Any donations offered are very much appreciated. If you have questions or concerns, you can mail [email protected].
This edition will release very close to the annual AAA Holiday Party at Bierocracy on 10 January 2018. I hope that you can come to join in on the festive spirit and mingle among like-minded folks. Each time we gather, we realize the spirit of the club and the energy of our interests.
As always, for current information and details of events, you can visit the AAA website calendar or keep tuned to our social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Happy New Year!
Peter Tagatac
AAA | President