AAA President Message – September 2019
Dear AAA Members,
As summer is winding down, I hope you’ve taken some time to relax, refresh, and enjoy the skies. Observing has been ongoing, with some beautifully clear nights, full of wondrous sights. If you haven’t had a chance to view it yet, you can watch “The Power of Stargazing,” by The Future is Now, on the homepage, featuring Otto Chin, Joe Delfausse, and Carey Horwitz, with other AAA Observers on the High Line. AAA also attended Pelham Bay Nature Day in the Bronx, where members Stan Honda, Joe Martinez, Irene Pease, and Mauri Rosenthal spent the day sharing views of the sun and chatting about our solar system with back-to-schoolers and their families. Note that a few sites have had a break and will soon resume; observing resumes at Floyd Bennett Field on September 6, and at Lincoln Center on September 13. As always, you can keep up with all AAA events by subscribing to the AAA Calendar or checking the website’s Upcoming Events.
Also on the website, as of recently: AAA’s financial statement of activity. In case you missed the Annual Meeting and are wondering how your membership fee and donations have been spent, you can view it online. The latest statement will be posted after a financial review for that year has been completed by an independent CPA.
AAA Classes start September 10 and 11! There are still seats available in Recent Breakthroughs in Astronomy, an exciting new class about some of this century’s biggest breakthroughs and theories in astronomy. Astronomy 101: Solar System Essentials is survey of the solar system and how we’ve come to understand our place this corner of the Milky Way. For more information about these and other AAA classes, visit the Classes page.
I hope those of you who are in town for September 7 have plans to help with or attend Autumn Starfest in Central Park’s Sheep Meadow. A team has been planning multiple engaging activities for the evening, and it’s our volunteers who make it happen. I joined AAA in late 2012, but it wasn’t until a few months later, when I signed up to help with Spring Starfest, that I started to get to know other club members. I remember meeting future astro-pals for the first time as we prepared goodie bags and greeted visitors at the event entrance. We chatted, shared our enthusiasm for astronomy, and got to see so many smiles on the faces of guests of all ages. Volunteering is a wonderful way to get to know other AAA members, and contribute to the club’s mission. Those of you who have volunteered at AAA events (with or without telescopes) are familiar with the thrill of sharing astronomy with others. For any members who haven’t yet, Starfest is one of the best AAA events to jump into, to experience that thrill for yourself. If you plan to attend Autumn Starfest, please register on Eventbrite. If you’d like to help with observing, you can complete this form or contact [email protected] with any questions. For all other Starfest volunteers, please contact [email protected]. I hope to see you in Sheep Meadow!
Clear Skies,
Irene Pease
AAA President