Events on the Horizon – October

Events on the Horizon for October. Photo by Cayla1 from Unsplash annotated (Annotable) by Peter Tagatac

Upcoming AAA events in October

Week One

01 October/Tuesday
Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
Class, Astronomy 101: Solar System Essentials, “Seasons & Scales of the Solar System”, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
02 October/Wednesday
Class, Recent Breakthroughs in Astronomy, “Gaia and its Predecessor, Hipparcos”, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM

03 October/Thursday

04 October/Friday
Observing, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn; begins at 8:00PM
Observing, Carl Schurz Park, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM
Lecture, From Gas to Stars in Galaxies by Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, American Museum of Natural History, Manhattan; begins at 6:15PM
05 October/Saturday
Observing, Great Kills, Staten Island; Check “Upcoming Events” on website (may be canceled for Autumn Starfest)
Observing, Brooklyn Museum Plaza, Brooklyn; begins at 9:00PM


Week Two

06 October/Sunday
07 October/Monday

08 October/Tuesday
Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
Class, Astronomy 101: Solar System Essentials, “Moon & Sun”, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
09 October/Wednesday
Observing, Riverdale, Bronx; begins at 8:30PM
Class, Recent Breakthroughs in Astronomy, “WMAP and Planck Satellites”, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM

10 October/Thursday
11 October/Friday
12 October/Saturday


Week Three

13 October/Sunday
Observing, Observing at Pioneer Works, Brooklyn; begins at 7:30PM

14 October/Monday

15 October/Tuesday
Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
Class, Astronomy 101: Solar System Essentials, “Planets”, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
16 October/Wednesday
Class, Recent Breakthroughs in Astronomy, “LIGO”, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM

17 October/Thursday
18 October/Friday
19 October/Saturday


Week Four

20 October/Sunday
21 October/Monday

22 October/Tuesday
Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM
Class, Astronomy 101: Solar System Essentials, “Exploration”, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM

23 October/Wednesday
24 October/Thursday
25 October/Friday

26 October/Saturday
Observing, North South Lake, Haines Fall, NY; members only


Week Five

27 October/Sunday
Observing, North South Lake, Haines Fall, NY; members only

28 October/Monday

29 October/Tuesday
Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 6:30PM

30 October/Wednesday
31 October/Thursday