Events on the Horizon – June
Upcoming AAA events in June 2020
AAA is following official recommendations regarding COVID-19, and coordinating with any partner institutions regarding event cancellations.
For the status of any event, check the AAA calendar or Upcoming Events on the AAA website home page.
The AAA Google Calendar or subscribe on this page by clicking the “+Google Calendar” button (like the following image) in lower right corner of page.
Week 1 (calendar week 23)
01 June/Monday
02 June/Tuesday
03 June/Wednesday
Verify –Solar Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 6:00PM
Class, Spring 2020 Class – Planetary Science, The Search for Exoplanets and Alien Life, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, 6:30PM
Verify – Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM
04 June/Thursday
05 June/Friday
Verify – Observing, Brooklyn Bridge Park, Manhattan; begins at 8:00PM
Verify – Observing, Carl Schurz Park, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM
Verify – Observing, Lincoln Center, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM
06 June/Saturday
Verify – Observing, Pier i Cafe, Manhattan; begins at 8:00PM
Verify – Observing, Brooklyn Museum Plaza, Brooklyn; begins at 9:00PM
Week 2 (cw 24)
07 June/Sunday
08 June/Monday
09 June/Tuesday
10 June/Wednesday
Verify – Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM
11 June/Thursday
12 June/Friday
Verify – Observing, Lincoln Center, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM
13 June/Saturday
Week 3 (cw 25)
14 June/Sunday
15 June/Monday
16 June/Tuesday
17 June/Wednesday
Verify – Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM
18 June/Thursday
19 June/Friday
Verify – Observing, Lincoln Center, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM
20 June/Saturday
Verify – Dark Sky Observing, North-South Lake (Members), Haines Falls, NY, 6:00PM. Check AAA Dark Sky Group (members-only) for details.
Week 4 (cw 26)
21 June/Sunday
22 June/Monday
23 June/Tuesday
24 June/Wednesday
Verify – Observing, High Line, Manhattan; begins at 8:30PM
25 June/Thursday
26 June/Friday
27 June/Saturday
Verify – Observing, Great Kills, Staten Island; begins at 7:30PM
Week 5 (cw 27)
28 June/Sunday
Verify – Solar Observing, Pier i Cafe, Manhattan; begins at 1:00PM
29 June/Monday
30 June/Tuesday