Events on the Horizon – October

Credit: Jakob Owens, sourced from Unsplash

Upcoming AAA events in October 2020

AAA continues to follow official recommendations regarding COVID-19, and coordinates with any partner institutions regarding event cancellations.

For the status of any event, check the AAA calendar or Upcoming Events on the AAA website home page.

The AAA Google Calendar or subscribe on this page by clicking the “+Google Calendar” button (like the following image) in lower right corner of page.


Week 1 (calendar week 40)

01 October/Thursday

Class, Urban Astrophotography, Session 2 – Planetary Image Processing Workshop, Instructor: Mauri Rosenthal and Alfredo Viegas, on-line, begins at 8:00PM

Presentation (Livestream), Virtual Tour of the Night Sky and Beyond. Astrovis Weekly on AAA Facebook, Livestream on AAA Facebook; begins at 8:00PM

02 October/Friday
03 October/Saturday

Week 2 (calendar week 41)

04 October/Sunday
05 October/Monday
06 October/Tuesday

Lectures (Livestream). “The Universal Timekeeper: Reconstructing History Atom by Atom”, David Helfand, Columbia University; begins at 7:00PM. Viewing details to be posted on AAA website.

07 October/Wednesday
08 October/Thursday

Presentation (Livestream), Virtual Tour of the Night Sky and Beyond. Astrovis Weekly on AAA Facebook, Livestream on AAA Facebook; begins at 8:00PM

09 October/Friday
10 October/Saturday

Verify – Observing, North South Lake, Catskills, NY; details available in AAA Dark Sky Group

Verify – Social & Observing, Evening of Stargazing, Evergreens Cemetery, Brooklyn/Queens; registration required

Week 3 (calendar week 42)

11 October/Sunday
12 October/Monday
13 October/Tuesday

Class, AAA Astronomy 101, Other Worlds of the Solar System, Instructor: Irene Pease, on-line, begins at 7:00PM

14 October/Wednesday

Class, Multi-Wavelength Astronomy and Telescopes, Higher Energy Waves, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM

Verify – Observing, Observing on the High Line , Manhattan; begins at 6:00PM

15 October/Thursday

Class, Urban Astrophotography, Session 3 – Urban Deep Sky Overview/Electronic Assisted Astronomy, Instructor: Mauri Rosenthal and Alfredo Viegas, on-line, begins at 8:00PM

Presentation (Livestream), Virtual Tour of the Night Sky and Beyond. Astrovis Weekly on AAA Facebook, Livestream on AAA Facebook; begins at 8:00PM

16 October/Friday
17 October/Saturday

Verify – Observing, North South Lake, Catskills, NY; details available in AAA Dark Sky Group

Week 4 (calendar week 43)

18 October/Sunday
19 October/Monday
20 October/Tuesday

Class, AAA Astronomy 101, Exploration, Instructor: Irene Pease, on-line, begins at 7:00PM

21 October/Wednesday

Class, Multi-Wavelength Astronomy and Telescopes, Visible Light Telescopes and Observing, Instructor: David Kiefer, on-line, begins at 7:00PM

Verify – Observing, Observing on the High Line , Manhattan; begins at 6:00PM

22 October/Thursday

Class, Urban Astrophotography, Session 4 – Deep Sky Image Processing Workshop – PixInsight I, Instructor: Mauri Rosenthal and Alfredo Viegas, on-line, begins at 8:00PM

Presentation (Livestream), Virtual Tour of the Night Sky and Beyond. Astrovis Weekly on AAA Facebook, Livestream on AAA Facebook; begins at 8:00PM

23 October/Friday
24 October/Saturday

Verify – Observing, Observing at Great Kills, Staten Island; begins at 7:30PM

Week 5 (calendar week 44)

25 October/Sunday
26 October/Monday
27 October/Tuesday

Verify – Observing, Observing at Fort Greene, Brooklyn; begins at 5:30PM

28 October/Tuesday

Verify – Observing, Observing on the High Line , Manhattan; begins at 6:00PM

29 October/Thursday

Class, Urban Astrophotography, Session 5 – Deep Sky Image Processing Workshop – PixInsight II, Instructor: Mauri Rosenthal and Alfredo Viegas, on-line, begins at 8:00PM

Presentation (Livestream), Virtual Tour of the Night Sky and Beyond. Astrovis Weekly on AAA Facebook, Livestream on AAA Facebook; begins at 8:00PM

30 October/Friday
31 October/Saturday