AAA President Message – November 2020

Happy November everyone!
As 2020 gets close to wrapping up (I have a funny feeling that many people are happy to see this year go bye-bye), all eyes in the United States are on the Presidential election. So many of us are caught up in the hoopla and controversy but through it all one thing remains constant – science and our Universe will continue to exist. And that gives me comfort and excitement, which hopefully you all share in, too.
Are you all aware that an additional 39 gravitational waves were discovered just recently? Or that more water was discovered on the moon? Also, new dark energy models were created, the likely origins of Jupiter and Saturn were discovered, a general timeline was established for the first flight to Mars, and a rogue planet was discovered in our galaxy (maybe that elusive and mysterious 9th planet?). There are cube-sats taking up space and perhaps blocking views, while also providing internet to all corners of the Earth. And soon there will be a cellular network on the moon.
To put all of that in perspective for a moment, humans made the first controlled flight barely 100 years ago. Thus, our species, which has existed for roughly 200,000 years, has within the last century advanced from taking the first leap off of terra firma, to preparing to populate Mars. Humans, for all of our faults, also achieve wonderous things. And AAA is there to help share, excite, and educate in all things astronomy with anyone who wants to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the universe in which we all live.
More classes are getting ready to launch and I sincerely hope that all of our members are taking advantage of these low cost, high value courses that we offer. And for those reading this who are not yet members, I strenuously recommend that you not only become a member of AAA and support science through our almost 100 year old organization, but then utilize that membership to attend some or all of these classes that we offer. And new ones are always being created and added to the rotating schedule.
In addition to the classes, we have resumed on a limited basis, public viewing – hopefully everyone was excited to see the rare (second) full moon of the month of October, which pleased Werewolves everywhere by appearing on Halloween. And, the next speaker in our lecture series will be presenting on November 10th, so if you have not yet registered for it, get over to our website (which is on its way to being new and improved and will also have an accompanying app) and register.
So get out there and vote! And then look up in the sky and appreciate the common web that unites us all.