Become an Eclipse Ambassador!

Become a NASA Partner Eclipse Ambassador
In October 2023 and April 2024, two solar eclipses will be cris-crossing the US. In an exciting new NASA partnership, undergraduate students and amateur astronomers will engage their local communities in advance of the eclipses to enjoy the awe and wonder of this unique alignment. Eclipse Ambassadors will bring outreach programs to underserved audiences in local libraries, colleges, schools, and other community organizations. Training, partnerships, and resources are provided and all engagement can be done before the eclipses – there’s no commitment when the shadows arrive.
As a thank you for your efforts, amateur astronomers will be randomly selected to take part in the annular solar eclipse in Ely, NV and the total solar eclipse in Fredericksburg, TX – your trip will be all-expenses paid!
Apply today! www.eclipseambassadors. org
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