AAA Events on the Horizon

April dates of upcoming AAA events 03/Tuesday High Line observing sessions begins 06/Friday AAA Lecture – Jay Pasachoff, AMNH, Linder Theater 06/Friday Carl Schulz Park

First Serious Star-Hop

The trip to Fahnestock was a good excuse to repair my new 12.5″ f/5 Portaball telescope.  I had had a search going on eBay for

AAA President Message – April

Dear Members, As our club continues in its traditions and mission—approaching 91 years—we see ourselves adapting to a changing environment. It is a natural process.

Sky at Fahnestock

I had a great time going to Fahnestock State Park on a Saturday night, March 17. I picked up Ed Rojas and spent a good

What’s Up in the April Sky

April’s Evening Planets Bright Venus will be up between Pisces the fish and Taurus the Bull until around 9 PM. Jupiter will be in Libra the

What is a Pioneer Works?

If you happen to scroll through the list of observing locations on the AAA website, you might happen to notice that we regularly observe at